Mark your calendar!

PFC Holiday Party

Saturday, December 14 at 6:30pm

Enjoy the traditional hors d’oeuvres & dessert potluck, for all Pacific Fencing Club Members, past and present, family and guests. This year features the festive music of Joseph Bologne, Chevalier de Saint-George (~1745-1799). To compensate for uncertainties reaching everyone by mail or email at this time, please pass the invitation along to all your PFC friends and acquaintances.


Anthology Project
SATURDAY, MARCH 2, Beginning 11:30 AM, throughout the day

A unique literary project for all PFC Members, past and present:

We are compiling an anthology of experiences with PFC and with fencing since 1984. Your reminiscences (great and small) of events, episodes, people, classes, tournaments, and especially what you know about the art and sport of fencing from that experience, will have historical interest years from now.

Please email your memories to or send physical copies to Pacific Fencing Club.

Remiscences can be recorded on video or submissions should be typed in Microsoft Word, 12 pt Times New Roman font. Multiple submissions accepted. If you’re interested in helping compile or edit this anthology, please contact Harold Hayes.

Suggested Subjects of Reverie:

  • When have you been active at the club?
  • What brought you in?
  • What were your first impressions of the club?
  • Did you have any previous experience fencing?
  • What’s your most memorable or favorite experience at the club?
  • Memories of blood, sweat, tears?
  • Specific moments from parties, gatherings, or competitions?
  • Why did you keep coming?
  • Do you have any lasting friendships from the club?